Research from the BRC Lab
Under review/in preparation
(**undergraduate / *graduate student)
Kang Balzarini, T., Pleggenkuhle, B., *Kuzmickus, D., *Clark, H., *Ingram, K., & *Swaby, M. (in preparation). Peeking through the looking glass: Rural residents' beliefs regarding informal and formal supports for re-entry post-incarceration.
*Kuzmickus, D. & Kang Balzarini, T. (in preparation). Evaluating familiarity and emotions in shaping rural residents’ attitudes toward criminal justice involved persons with a mental illness.
Kang Balzarini, T., Eno Louden, J., & *Adair, R., & **Torres, M. (under review). Factors associated with the victimization and perpetration of intimate partner violence among justice-involved Latinas.
Kang Balzarini, T., *Kuzmickus, D., & *Nation, R. (under review). Campaigns to drive sex offender reform: Exploration of emotions, trustworthiness of scientists, social influences, and demographic characteristics.
(**undergraduate / *graduate student)
Kang Balzarini, T., *Kuzmickus, D., *Nation, R., *Swaby, M., & *Ingram, K. (2024). Examination of factors that influence rural residents’ beliefs regarding the dangerousness of justice-involved persons with a mental illness. Journal of Crime and Justice.
Kang Balzarini, T. & Eno Louden, J. (2024). What factors contribute to differential perceptions towards evidence-based practices? An examination of officer role orientation, job satisfaction, confidence, and skill proficiency. Criminal Justice and Behavior.
Balzarini, T. K. (2023). Revitalizing the Lost Scrolls of Correctional Bible: Before the Risk-Need-Responsivity Model. In: Magaletta, P.R., Ternes, M., Patry, M. (eds) The History and Future of Correctional Psychology. Springer, Cham.
*Beltrani, A., Kang, T., Lee, A., McGrath, R., & Prentky, R. A. (2023). A classification system to guide treatment needs for juveniles who have engaged in abusive sexual behavior. Criminal Justice and Behavior.
*Adair, R., Kang, T., Eno Louden, J., & Perez, E. (2023). Pathways to crime: The voices of Latina women living on the U.S.-Mexico Border. Psychology, Crime, & Law.
Kang, T., Lee, A., *Beltrani, A., & Prentky, R. A. (2022). Tracking dynamic intervention needs as a vehicle for mitigating risk among juveniles with sex offenses. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 29(2), 210-223.
( (1 minute summary of article)
APA Editor's Choice Article (May 2023)
Kang, T., *Green, A., *Akamani, B., & **Pinkston, K. (2021). Rural residents’ emotions, beliefs, and sources that influenced those beliefs regarding sex offender policies, practice, and the efficacy of treatment. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 1-24.
Prentky, R. A., Righthand, S., Worling, J., & Kang, T. (2020). Final report: Development and implementation project for the Youth Needs and Progress Scale (YNPS). Report prepared for Office of Justice Programs, Department of Justice, National Criminal Justice Reference (2016-AW-BX-K004).
Kang, T., *Beltrani, A., *Manheim, M., *Spriggs, S., *Nishimura, B., *Sinclair, S., *Stachniuk, M., *Pate, E., Righthand, S., Worling, J., & Prentky, R.A. (2019). Development of a risk / treatment needs & progress protocol for juveniles with sex offenses. Translational Issues in Psychological Science.
Zannella, L., Eno Louden, J., Kennealy, P., & Kang, T. (2018). The generalizability of the Massachusetts Youth Screening Inventory-Second Version (MAYSI-2) to Latino adolescent offenders: A confirmatory factor analysis. Criminal Justice and Behavior.
Kang, T., Wood, J. M., Eno Louden, J., & Ricks, E. P. (2018). Prevalence of internalizing, externalizing, and psychotic disorders among low-risk juvenile offenders. Psychological Services, 14(2).
Eno Louden, J., Kang, T., Ricks, E. P., & Marquez, L. (2017). Utility of the MAYSI-2 at identifying mental disorder among Latino juvenile offenders. Psychological Assessment.
Kang, T., Eno Louden, J., Ricks, E. P., & Jones, R. L. (2015). Aggression, substance use disorder, and presence of a prior suicide attempt among juvenile offenders with subclinical depression. Law and Human Behavior, 39(5), 1-9.
Eno Louden, J. Manchak, S. & Kang, T. (2012). Probation. In R. Cautin & S. Lilenfeld (Eds.). The Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
Kroner, D. G., Kang, T., Mills, J. F., Harris, A., & Green, M. M. (2011). Reliabilities, validities, and cutoff scores of the depression hopelessness suicide screening among women offenders. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 38, 779-795.
National Institute of Justice
Total funding: $596,245
Title: Facilitating Desistance Interventions in Regions that lack Infrastructural Supports: Evaluation of Strategies to Leverage Social Networks to Maximize Re-Entry Success
Role: Principal Investigator
Duration: 01/01/2025-12/31/2026
Status: Submitted
American Psychology-Law Society, APA Division 41, Early Career Professional Grant-in-Aid, $5,000 (awarded in December 2021)
Principal Investigator. Title: Peeking through the looking glass: A qualitative exploration of rural residents’ beliefs regarding marginalized criminal justice populations and scientists involved in criminal justice reform
College of Health & Human Sciences, $9,120 (awarded May 2022)
Principal Investigator. Title: Peeking through the looking glass: A qualitative exploration of rural residents’ beliefs regarding marginalized criminal justice populations and scientists involved in criminal justice reform
College of Health & Human Sciences, $4,000 (awarded in May 2021)
Principal Investigator. Title: How perceptions of scientists’ trustworthiness affect rural residents’ beliefs about criminal justice policies?
University of Texas at El Paso, $1790 (awarded in 2015)
Principal Investigator. Title: Effect of Cooperativeness of the Parent on Juvenile Probation Officer Decision-Making
Presentations (undergraduate** / graduate* denotes student supervisee)
23. Kang Balzarini, T. (2024, March). Coproducing re-entry policy with stakeholders and persons with lived experience in regions that lack infrastructural supports. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (Los Angeles, CA).
22. Kang Balzarini, T., Eno Louden, J., *Adair, R., & *Torres, M. (2024, March). Victimization and perpetration of intimate partner violence among justice-involved Latinas. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (Los Angeles, CA).
21. Kang Balzarini, T. & Eno Louden, J. (2024, March). What factors contribute to differential perceptions towards evidence-based practices? An examination of probation officer job satisfaction, skill proficiency, confidence, and role orientation. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (Los Angeles, CA).
20, *Kuzmickus, D., Kang Balzarini, T., *Nation, R., *Swaby, M., *Ingram, K., **Cripps, O., **Allen, R., & **Rees, G. (2024, March). Evaluating familiarity and emotions in shaping rural residents’ attitudes toward criminal justice involved persons with a mental illness. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (Los Angeles, CA).
19. *Swaby, M., *Nation, R., *Kuzmickus, D., *Ingram, K., **Cripps, O., **Allen, R., **Rees, G., & Kang Balzarini, T. (2024, March). An examination of factors shaping beliefs toward sentencing reform in the Southern Mississippi Delta Region. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (Los Angeles, CA).
18. *Ingram, K., *Nation, R. *Kuzmickus, D., *Swaby, M., & Kang Balzarini, T. (2024, March). Misperceptions of rural residents regarding justice-involved individuals with mental illness: Are they more likely to be violent, commit crimes, or involved in a school shooting?. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (Los Angeles, CA).
17. *Nation, R., Kang Balzarini, T., *Kuzmickus, D., *Swaby, M., *Ingram, K., **Cripps, O., **Allen, R., & **Rees, G. (accepted, 2024, March). A qualitative examination of perception formation regarding persons with a mental illness and gun violence. Paper accepted to the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (Los Angeles, CA).
16. Kang, T. (2023, May). Rural residents’ emotions, beliefs, and sources that influenced those beliefs regarding sex offender policies, practice, and the efficacy of treatment. Paper presented at the North America Correctional & Criminal Justice Psychology Conference (Toronto, Canada).
15. Kang, T., Lee, A., *Beltrani, A., & Prentky, R. A. (2023, May). Tracking dynamic intervention needs as a vehicle for mitigating risk among juveniles with sex offenses. Paper presented at the North America Correctional & Criminal Justice Psychology Conference (Toronto, Canada).
14. *Nation, R. & Kang T. (2023, March). Rural Residents’ Beliefs on Gun Control, the Relationship between Gun Violence & Mental Illness, & the Unique Pathway that Led to their Opinion: A Mixed Methods Approach. Data Blitz presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (Philadelphia, PA).
13. Kang, T., *Nation, R., & *Kuzmickus, D. (2023, March). Exploration of Barriers to Re-Entry in the Southern Mississippi Delta Region. Data Blitz presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (Philadelphia, PA).
12. *Beltrani, A., Kang, T., *Galeza, E., *Nation, R., McGrath, R., Lee, A., & Prentky, R. A. (2022, March). Taxonomic differences among juvenile sex offenders. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (Denver, Colorado).
11. Kang, T., *Beltrani, A., *Manheim, M., Righthand, S., Worling, J. R., Lee, A., & Prentky, R. A. (2020, March). Development of a risk/treatment needs and progress protocol for juveniles with sex offenses. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (New Orleans, Louisiana).
10. Prentky, R. A., Righthand, S., & Kang, T. (2018, March). The juvenile treatment progress scale development and implementation project. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (Memphis, Tennessee).
9. Eno Louden, J., Kang, T., Hutchins, E., **Ortega, X., & **Leos, B. (2018, March). Exploring the influence of mental illness on offending among women offenders. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (Memphis, Tennessee).
8. Righthand, S. & Kang, T. (2017, October). Assessing treatment needs and progress with youth who have sexually abused. Invited presentation at the annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (Kansas City, Missouri).
7. Kang, T., Eno Louden, J., Ricks, E. P., **Avila, A., & **Castañeda, J. (2016, November). Risk-Need-Responsivity model meta-analysis: Does the Responsivity Principle uniquely contribute to reducing recidivism and treatment attrition? Paper presented at the annual conference of The American Society of Criminology (New Orleans, Louisiana).
6. Kang, T. & Eno Louden, J. (2016, March). Effect of cooperativeness of the parent on juvenile probation officer decision-making. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (Atlanta, Georgia).
5. Zannella, L., Eno Louden, J., Kennealy, P., & Kang, T. (2016, March). Confirmatory factor analyses of the Massachusetts Youth Screening Inventory-Second Edition (MAYSI-2) among Latino adolescent offenders. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (Atlanta, Georgia).
4. Kang, T., **Russell, C., & Eno Louden, J. (2015, March). The social influence of crime: A exploration of women in the criminal justice system. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (San Diego, California).
3. Kang, T., Wood, J. M., Eno Louden, J., & Ricks, E. P. (2014, March). Prevalence of psychological disorders in a predominantly Hispanic sample of first-time juvenile offenders. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (New Orleans, Louisiana).
2. Eno Louden, J., Kang, T., & Ricks, E. P. (2013, March). Utility of the MAYSI-2 at identifying Axis I disorders among Hispanic juvenile offenders. In R. Morgan (Chair), Mental illness in criminal justice settings: Identifying needs and custodial concerns. Symposium presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (Portland, Oregon).
1. Kang, T. & Eno Louden, J. (2013, March). Displays of aggression in juvenile offenders with subclinical depression. In R. Morgan (Chair), Mental illness in criminal justice settings: Identifying needs and custodial concerns. Symposium presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (Portland, Oregon).
(**undergraduate / *graduate student)
Kang Balzarini, T., Pleggenkuhle, B., *Kuzmickus, D., *Clark, H., *Ingram, K., & *Swaby, M. (in preparation). Peeking through the looking glass: Rural residents' beliefs regarding informal and formal supports for re-entry post-incarceration.
*Kuzmickus, D. & Kang Balzarini, T. (in preparation). Evaluating familiarity and emotions in shaping rural residents’ attitudes toward criminal justice involved persons with a mental illness.
Kang Balzarini, T., Eno Louden, J., & *Adair, R., & **Torres, M. (under review). Factors associated with the victimization and perpetration of intimate partner violence among justice-involved Latinas.
Kang Balzarini, T., *Kuzmickus, D., & *Nation, R. (under review). Campaigns to drive sex offender reform: Exploration of emotions, trustworthiness of scientists, social influences, and demographic characteristics.
(**undergraduate / *graduate student)
Kang Balzarini, T., *Kuzmickus, D., *Nation, R., *Swaby, M., & *Ingram, K. (2024). Examination of factors that influence rural residents’ beliefs regarding the dangerousness of justice-involved persons with a mental illness. Journal of Crime and Justice.
Kang Balzarini, T. & Eno Louden, J. (2024). What factors contribute to differential perceptions towards evidence-based practices? An examination of officer role orientation, job satisfaction, confidence, and skill proficiency. Criminal Justice and Behavior.
Balzarini, T. K. (2023). Revitalizing the Lost Scrolls of Correctional Bible: Before the Risk-Need-Responsivity Model. In: Magaletta, P.R., Ternes, M., Patry, M. (eds) The History and Future of Correctional Psychology. Springer, Cham.
*Beltrani, A., Kang, T., Lee, A., McGrath, R., & Prentky, R. A. (2023). A classification system to guide treatment needs for juveniles who have engaged in abusive sexual behavior. Criminal Justice and Behavior.
*Adair, R., Kang, T., Eno Louden, J., & Perez, E. (2023). Pathways to crime: The voices of Latina women living on the U.S.-Mexico Border. Psychology, Crime, & Law.
Kang, T., Lee, A., *Beltrani, A., & Prentky, R. A. (2022). Tracking dynamic intervention needs as a vehicle for mitigating risk among juveniles with sex offenses. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 29(2), 210-223.
( (1 minute summary of article)
APA Editor's Choice Article (May 2023)
Kang, T., *Green, A., *Akamani, B., & **Pinkston, K. (2021). Rural residents’ emotions, beliefs, and sources that influenced those beliefs regarding sex offender policies, practice, and the efficacy of treatment. Behavioral Sciences & the Law, 1-24.
Prentky, R. A., Righthand, S., Worling, J., & Kang, T. (2020). Final report: Development and implementation project for the Youth Needs and Progress Scale (YNPS). Report prepared for Office of Justice Programs, Department of Justice, National Criminal Justice Reference (2016-AW-BX-K004).
Kang, T., *Beltrani, A., *Manheim, M., *Spriggs, S., *Nishimura, B., *Sinclair, S., *Stachniuk, M., *Pate, E., Righthand, S., Worling, J., & Prentky, R.A. (2019). Development of a risk / treatment needs & progress protocol for juveniles with sex offenses. Translational Issues in Psychological Science.
Zannella, L., Eno Louden, J., Kennealy, P., & Kang, T. (2018). The generalizability of the Massachusetts Youth Screening Inventory-Second Version (MAYSI-2) to Latino adolescent offenders: A confirmatory factor analysis. Criminal Justice and Behavior.
Kang, T., Wood, J. M., Eno Louden, J., & Ricks, E. P. (2018). Prevalence of internalizing, externalizing, and psychotic disorders among low-risk juvenile offenders. Psychological Services, 14(2).
Eno Louden, J., Kang, T., Ricks, E. P., & Marquez, L. (2017). Utility of the MAYSI-2 at identifying mental disorder among Latino juvenile offenders. Psychological Assessment.
Kang, T., Eno Louden, J., Ricks, E. P., & Jones, R. L. (2015). Aggression, substance use disorder, and presence of a prior suicide attempt among juvenile offenders with subclinical depression. Law and Human Behavior, 39(5), 1-9.
Eno Louden, J. Manchak, S. & Kang, T. (2012). Probation. In R. Cautin & S. Lilenfeld (Eds.). The Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell.
Kroner, D. G., Kang, T., Mills, J. F., Harris, A., & Green, M. M. (2011). Reliabilities, validities, and cutoff scores of the depression hopelessness suicide screening among women offenders. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 38, 779-795.
National Institute of Justice
Total funding: $596,245
Title: Facilitating Desistance Interventions in Regions that lack Infrastructural Supports: Evaluation of Strategies to Leverage Social Networks to Maximize Re-Entry Success
Role: Principal Investigator
Duration: 01/01/2025-12/31/2026
Status: Submitted
American Psychology-Law Society, APA Division 41, Early Career Professional Grant-in-Aid, $5,000 (awarded in December 2021)
Principal Investigator. Title: Peeking through the looking glass: A qualitative exploration of rural residents’ beliefs regarding marginalized criminal justice populations and scientists involved in criminal justice reform
College of Health & Human Sciences, $9,120 (awarded May 2022)
Principal Investigator. Title: Peeking through the looking glass: A qualitative exploration of rural residents’ beliefs regarding marginalized criminal justice populations and scientists involved in criminal justice reform
College of Health & Human Sciences, $4,000 (awarded in May 2021)
Principal Investigator. Title: How perceptions of scientists’ trustworthiness affect rural residents’ beliefs about criminal justice policies?
University of Texas at El Paso, $1790 (awarded in 2015)
Principal Investigator. Title: Effect of Cooperativeness of the Parent on Juvenile Probation Officer Decision-Making
Presentations (undergraduate** / graduate* denotes student supervisee)
23. Kang Balzarini, T. (2024, March). Coproducing re-entry policy with stakeholders and persons with lived experience in regions that lack infrastructural supports. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (Los Angeles, CA).
22. Kang Balzarini, T., Eno Louden, J., *Adair, R., & *Torres, M. (2024, March). Victimization and perpetration of intimate partner violence among justice-involved Latinas. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (Los Angeles, CA).
21. Kang Balzarini, T. & Eno Louden, J. (2024, March). What factors contribute to differential perceptions towards evidence-based practices? An examination of probation officer job satisfaction, skill proficiency, confidence, and role orientation. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (Los Angeles, CA).
20, *Kuzmickus, D., Kang Balzarini, T., *Nation, R., *Swaby, M., *Ingram, K., **Cripps, O., **Allen, R., & **Rees, G. (2024, March). Evaluating familiarity and emotions in shaping rural residents’ attitudes toward criminal justice involved persons with a mental illness. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (Los Angeles, CA).
19. *Swaby, M., *Nation, R., *Kuzmickus, D., *Ingram, K., **Cripps, O., **Allen, R., **Rees, G., & Kang Balzarini, T. (2024, March). An examination of factors shaping beliefs toward sentencing reform in the Southern Mississippi Delta Region. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (Los Angeles, CA).
18. *Ingram, K., *Nation, R. *Kuzmickus, D., *Swaby, M., & Kang Balzarini, T. (2024, March). Misperceptions of rural residents regarding justice-involved individuals with mental illness: Are they more likely to be violent, commit crimes, or involved in a school shooting?. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (Los Angeles, CA).
17. *Nation, R., Kang Balzarini, T., *Kuzmickus, D., *Swaby, M., *Ingram, K., **Cripps, O., **Allen, R., & **Rees, G. (accepted, 2024, March). A qualitative examination of perception formation regarding persons with a mental illness and gun violence. Paper accepted to the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (Los Angeles, CA).
16. Kang, T. (2023, May). Rural residents’ emotions, beliefs, and sources that influenced those beliefs regarding sex offender policies, practice, and the efficacy of treatment. Paper presented at the North America Correctional & Criminal Justice Psychology Conference (Toronto, Canada).
15. Kang, T., Lee, A., *Beltrani, A., & Prentky, R. A. (2023, May). Tracking dynamic intervention needs as a vehicle for mitigating risk among juveniles with sex offenses. Paper presented at the North America Correctional & Criminal Justice Psychology Conference (Toronto, Canada).
14. *Nation, R. & Kang T. (2023, March). Rural Residents’ Beliefs on Gun Control, the Relationship between Gun Violence & Mental Illness, & the Unique Pathway that Led to their Opinion: A Mixed Methods Approach. Data Blitz presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (Philadelphia, PA).
13. Kang, T., *Nation, R., & *Kuzmickus, D. (2023, March). Exploration of Barriers to Re-Entry in the Southern Mississippi Delta Region. Data Blitz presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (Philadelphia, PA).
12. *Beltrani, A., Kang, T., *Galeza, E., *Nation, R., McGrath, R., Lee, A., & Prentky, R. A. (2022, March). Taxonomic differences among juvenile sex offenders. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (Denver, Colorado).
11. Kang, T., *Beltrani, A., *Manheim, M., Righthand, S., Worling, J. R., Lee, A., & Prentky, R. A. (2020, March). Development of a risk/treatment needs and progress protocol for juveniles with sex offenses. Paper presented at the annual conference of American Psychology-Law Society (New Orleans, Louisiana).
10. Prentky, R. A., Righthand, S., & Kang, T. (2018, March). The juvenile treatment progress scale development and implementation project. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (Memphis, Tennessee).
9. Eno Louden, J., Kang, T., Hutchins, E., **Ortega, X., & **Leos, B. (2018, March). Exploring the influence of mental illness on offending among women offenders. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (Memphis, Tennessee).
8. Righthand, S. & Kang, T. (2017, October). Assessing treatment needs and progress with youth who have sexually abused. Invited presentation at the annual conference of the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (Kansas City, Missouri).
7. Kang, T., Eno Louden, J., Ricks, E. P., **Avila, A., & **Castañeda, J. (2016, November). Risk-Need-Responsivity model meta-analysis: Does the Responsivity Principle uniquely contribute to reducing recidivism and treatment attrition? Paper presented at the annual conference of The American Society of Criminology (New Orleans, Louisiana).
6. Kang, T. & Eno Louden, J. (2016, March). Effect of cooperativeness of the parent on juvenile probation officer decision-making. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (Atlanta, Georgia).
5. Zannella, L., Eno Louden, J., Kennealy, P., & Kang, T. (2016, March). Confirmatory factor analyses of the Massachusetts Youth Screening Inventory-Second Edition (MAYSI-2) among Latino adolescent offenders. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (Atlanta, Georgia).
4. Kang, T., **Russell, C., & Eno Louden, J. (2015, March). The social influence of crime: A exploration of women in the criminal justice system. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (San Diego, California).
3. Kang, T., Wood, J. M., Eno Louden, J., & Ricks, E. P. (2014, March). Prevalence of psychological disorders in a predominantly Hispanic sample of first-time juvenile offenders. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (New Orleans, Louisiana).
2. Eno Louden, J., Kang, T., & Ricks, E. P. (2013, March). Utility of the MAYSI-2 at identifying Axis I disorders among Hispanic juvenile offenders. In R. Morgan (Chair), Mental illness in criminal justice settings: Identifying needs and custodial concerns. Symposium presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (Portland, Oregon).
1. Kang, T. & Eno Louden, J. (2013, March). Displays of aggression in juvenile offenders with subclinical depression. In R. Morgan (Chair), Mental illness in criminal justice settings: Identifying needs and custodial concerns. Symposium presented at the annual conference of the American Psychology-Law Society (Portland, Oregon).